The Ferrite Attraction

The Ferrite Attraction
Crossed Wires
The Ferrite Attraction

May 08 2023 | 01:25:31

Episode May 08, 2023 01:25:31

Hosted By

James Bilsbrough Jae Bloom

Show Notes

As I’m sure long time listeners will know, we use Ferrite by Wooji Juice for all of our editing here, it really has become indispensable to our production workflows. From being able to remove sections of unwanted audio with a simple swipe, quickly strip away swathes of silent audio, and easily exporting audio in the format we need to get the podcast out to you.

So, it was my great honour to sit down with Canis to talk about his developer pedigree, going all the way back to the BBC Micro and the birth of ARM, all the way through to wrangling multi-channel audio, digging through a locked filing cabinet in a disused lavatory to find details about the ALAC format, and turning what can be a frustrating experience into one of the easiest audio editing tools I’ve used for a very long time.

Do you have stories of audio editing nightmares, have you used Ferrite to produce audio, or maybe you’ve got some questions about editing audio on the iPad. Whatever your experiences, we’d love to hear from you, so please send us a note to [email protected], or why not come join the discussion on our Discord server.

If you liked this episode or any of our content, we’d greatly appreciate any little bit of support you can throw our way over at our Ko-Fi page.

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Episode Links

Chapter Times

  1. 00:00:04: Introductions
  2. 00:05:05: What’s in a Name?
  3. 00:07:31: The First iPhone & App Store
  4. 00:11:09: The Creation of Ferrite
  5. 00:21:53: Recording on iOS
  6. 00:37:24: Pre Production
  7. 00:42:38: The Pricing Model
  8. 00:47:06: Editing Experience
  9. 00:58:08: Dealing with Silence
  10. 00:59:47: Handy Features
  11. 01:04:44: Exporting
  12. 01:15:11: Wrapping Up


Intro and outro theme: Ace of Clubs by RoccoW

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